What is emotion?
Emotion is a state of feeling that results in physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behavior. Emotionality can be catergorized into temperment, personality, mood and motivation. Human emotions involve physiological arousal, expressive behaviors, and conscious experience. Emotion may be an adaptive feature in human's quest for survival because certain emotions release certain hormones or chemicals that in turn help us in whatever situation we are in, or they may not help us. For example, I once heard a story about a mom lifting up an enormous object because her little baby was caught underneath it.. This woman regularly probably couldn't pick something up that was so heavy but when her baby was caught underneath her emotions released adrenaline, causing her to get more strength and save her baby. Another example is, when you're presenting in front of a class you may get nervous or embarassed and automatically you start to sweat or blush, these things are uncontrollable as you may have already known from experience. Your emotions make this happen.. Emotions allow humans to survive and be successful in the world because everybody has them, when you see a sad person you automatically feel sympathy or pity. When you see a happy person, you feel joy for that person for a second or two atleast. Since we all share emotions we all survive together successfully (with the exception of sociopaths manipulating some of our emotions). Our emotions also give us survival skills because when you're stuck somewhere you don't know, your motivation kicks in..for me motivation would be considered an emotion, also fear, when you're fearful of a place you don't want to be there anymore, so this emotion will prompt you to get out, forcing you to use any tactic necessary.
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